International business and cultures

Culture and globalization had become two important related terms, which must be mentioned when talking about international Business, culture defined as “Culture is the collective programming of the human mind that distinguishes the members of one human group from those of another. Culture in this sense is a system of collectively held values.” -- Geert Hofstede. Takes us to think that culture as a common factor in worldwide, becames a necessary issue to take in count regarding negotiations and globalization process in general, this means that by knowing and researching cultures the negotiation process abroad becames easier and faster; but also facilitates the interaction between interested parts, constructing business relationships oriented on respect, ethics and goal achievments.
Research methods
Research, use of rationally grounded procedures to extend knowledge that community of scholars regards as reliable and valid, a research aims to find the solution of any issue or question presented.
How to develop a research process?
The Research Process consitutes an important building block for our work and development in the Organisations and cultures course. It`s necessary to identify and clarify the Research Process, mentioning and studying each one of the steps of this process, starting with a Data analysis, proposition, research questions or hypothesis, empirical observation and data collection.
Each one of these ítems are connected and have a visible dependence between them in a conceptual framework. The Research Process can be inductive or deductive.
When designing the research, must be defined the type and the methodology to be used. Choosing from diferent types:
• Non- intervention case studies, surveys, field experiments and controlled experiments.
Regarding methodology, can be used:
• Data collection methods, sample sources, sampling methods, sample sizes and response rates.
Another important facts to mention are the Data Collection and Data Analysis, which shows results according to the information that has been collected, organizing it and tabulating it.
International business and cultures

Culture and globalization had become two important related terms, which must be mentioned when talking about international Business, culture defined as “Culture is the collective programming of the human mind that distinguishes the members of one human group from those of another. Culture in this sense is a system of collectively held values.” -- Geert Hofstede. Takes us to think that culture as a common factor in worldwide, becames a necessary issue to take in count regarding negotiations and globalization process in general, this means that by knowing and researching cultures the negotiation process abroad becames easier and faster; but also facilitates the interaction between interested parts, constructing business relationships oriented on respect, ethics and goal achievments.
Research methods
Research, use of rationally grounded procedures to extend knowledge that community of scholars regards as reliable and valid, a research aims to find the solution of any issue or question presented.
How to develop a research process?
The Research Process consitutes an important building block for our work and development in the Organisations and cultures course. It`s necessary to identify and clarify the Research Process, mentioning and studying each one of the steps of this process, starting with a Data analysis, proposition, research questions or hypothesis, empirical observation and data collection.
Each one of these ítems are connected and have a visible dependence between them in a conceptual framework. The Research Process can be inductive or deductive.
When designing the research, must be defined the type and the methodology to be used. Choosing from diferent types:
• Non- intervention case studies, surveys, field experiments and controlled experiments.
Regarding methodology, can be used:
• Data collection methods, sample sources, sampling methods, sample sizes and response rates.
Another important facts to mention are the Data Collection and Data Analysis, which shows results according to the information that has been collected, organizing it and tabulating it.
Brown, A., Organizational Culture, Pitman, London, 1995
Arango, Maria Isabel. Organisations and Culture. Class notes. 2009
Hofstede, G. (1981). Culture and organizations. International Studies of Management and Organization, 10(4), 15-41.
Arango, Maria Isabel. Organisations and Culture. Class notes. 2009
Hofstede, G. (1981). Culture and organizations. International Studies of Management and Organization, 10(4), 15-41.
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